How to Become SEO Expert ?

Vesa Ivanovic — SEO Expert
3 min readOct 24, 2019


Step 1: Understand how search engines work

Before even starting to think about SEO, the first step you need to take is to familiarize yourself with how search engines work.

For many people this may be something that they already know (or think they know), but it’s always good to start with the basic concepts and then work your way up to the most complicated theories.

Step 2: Get to know The Basic Search Engine Marketing Concepts

Before getting your hands dirty, you should have a general idea about all the different disciplines that make up search engine marketing and digital marketing and not just SEO.

You should have clear in your mind what to expect from SEO and what other tools you can use in conjunction with SEO to make your Internet presence stronger.

Step 3: Understand the true meaning of SEO

SEO is not just about keywords and links, it’s much more than that. The true mission of SEO is to provide users with a great experience and give them exactly what they want.

Your goal is not just about getting more search engine traffic but it’s about turning that traffic into recurring visitors and customers

Step 4: Choose the right SEO Training

Once you start learning SEO, you will realize one thing: There is too much information about SEO on the Internet and so many things to learn and this at the end creates a mess.

Nowadays things are different. People wanting to learn SEO fast can do so by following a reputable course without having to spend endless hours searching the Internet and reading article after article.

Step 5: Stay informed about SEO changes

SEO is not a static discipline. SEO rules and algorithms change all the time. Google alone is making more than 250 changes to their ranking algorithms per year. Good SEO experts need to know about these changes and adjust their SEO campaigns accordingly.

The best way to stay informed is to follow a couple of SEO news websites that are proven to provide information about on-going SEO changes when they happen and not after it’s too late to do something about it.

Step 6: Choose the Right SEO Tools

The truth is you cannot do SEO alone. There is so much information to process and decisions to make and if you try to do everything manually, you will spend your precious time into analyzing numbers instead of working on tasks that can get you better results.

It’s also true that good SEO tools cost but in the long term the return is much more than the monthly fee you will pay for a good SEO tool.

Step 7: Practice SEO — Don’t stay theoretical

SEO is not theoretical but it’s mostly practical. The outcome from studying the SEO theory should be a list of actions you can apply to your website and improve your exposure in search engines.

The problem is that each website is unique and what works for one website may not be the best solution for others. That’s why it is necessary to actually practice SEO and not just stay theoretical.

Reading case studies on how others have managed to succeed with SEO campaigns it’s a great way to get new ideas you can use and the inspiration you need to keep trying until you get SEO right

Step 8: Demonstrate your SEO Expertise

They say that one of the best ways to learn something is to try to explain it to other people. This is true with SEO as well.

I have learnt a lot of things and improved my SEO skills considerably when I started writing about SEO.

My recommendation is to start an SEO blog or a personal blog and share your SEO experiences with other people.

Over time you will find that sharing knowledge is a great way to learn new things about SEO and at the same time you help other people, which is a highly rewarding experience

Step 9: Be Patient

There is no way to talk about SEO and not mention the word “patience”. SEO takes time to work and you shouldn’t rush into conclusions too soon.

Step 10: Follow the leads of established SEO Experts

Last but not least, in your path to become an SEO expert, you will face a number of difficulties. There will be times when you will be disappointed, frustrated and ready to give up.

Don’t worry, this is normal to happen. If you read the stories of other people you will understand that none of them became what they are today because they are lucky. It’s the result of hard work and endless hours of testing and reading about SEO.

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Vesa Ivanovic — SEO Expert

As a SEO Expert, my passion is to dig deeper in Search Engine Optimization within White Hat techniques and explore more way to bring leads to my Clients